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时间:2023-05-08 23:20:47


在春天的英文是spring;夏日的英文是summer;夏天的英文是autumn(英译)或者fall(美译);寒冬的英文是winter。团队拓展数据资料:一、spring1、怎么念:英 [sprɪŋ]美 [sprɪŋ]2、如何使用:v.跳;蹦;发祥地于;发源;给…装上无纺布;翘曲;买东西;时不时看到n.在春天;大弹簧;lol炼金;滑行;泉;翘曲;倒缆3、句式:I sprang out of bed.我下子跳下床。二、summer1、怎么念:英 [ˈsʌmə]美 [ˈsəmər]2、如何使用:n.夏;元宝梁v.冬天旅游3、句式:the plant flowers in late summer.一种蕨类植物在暖夏挂果。三、autumn1、怎么念:英 [ˈɔːtəm]美 [ˈɔdəm]2、如何使用:n.秋冬季3、句式:the countryside is ablaze with colour in autumn.夏天村间耀的意思生彩。四、winter1、怎么念:英 [ˈwɪntə]美 [ˈwɪn(t)ər]2、如何使用:n.冬adj.用于冬季或严寒地区才成长期的v.在一处载种3、句式:the tree has a good crop of berries in winter.这树在用于冬季或严寒地区能产大量的的野莓。

在春天spring [spriŋ]夏日summer ['sʌmə]夏天autumn;fall ['ɔ:təm]寒冬winter ['wintə]关于春夏秋冬的英文:As we know, there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter.Spring is the best season of the year. It's from March to May. The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer. Everything wakes up, the trees turn green and flowers come out. It's seeding-time.Summer is from June to August. It's a very hot season. It often rains and the corns grow fast. We will have a summer holiday and go swimming.Golden fall is harvest-time. It's from September to November. The farmers are busy getting in the corns. The days get shorter and the nights get longer.Winter is from December to February the next year. it's the coldest season of the year. It often snows, and we can play with snows or go skating. We can enjoy the Spring Festival.团队拓展数据资料:我们的火星在展开讨论太阳队总是地对公转账的同时,也在绕自身的子午圈月球自转,不过子午圈并不中垂线对公转账铁轨面,而是有一款 23度27角分的前束角。正式因为这个前束角的存在一些,才会使太阳队在地表的直射过长点在南、北纬30度之前转移,从而演变成了春夏秋冬两个时节。资料可参考:春夏秋冬-百庋互动百科

春夏秋冬的英文分别为为:1、在春天 spring [spriŋ];2、夏日 summer ['sʌmə];3、夏天 autumn [ˈɔ:təm];4、寒冬 winter ['wintə]。扩充数据资料:孟 [仲; 季]春:the first [second; last] month of spring。冬日里的暖阳:as warm as spring.雪兆丰年:Spring returns to the earth或者 Spring is here again.最初:early summer.露养 :pass [spend] the summer.一燕不成夏:One swallow does not make a summer.秋末冬:late autumn.在冬末春初:in early autumn.麦秋:time for the wheat harvest.寒冬不知不觉地袭来:Winter creeps on.寒冬来了, 在春天还会远吗:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?