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时间:2023-05-08 23:20:47


baby英 ['beɪbɪ] 美 [ˈbebi] n. 满月宝宝;小婴儿;雏鸟;宝贝小说 vt. 把…作为小婴儿理解,娇养;指使人 adj. 孩子似的;小朋友的;大型的 满月宝宝; 淘宝商品; 小朋友; 幼儿园儿童 第三人称单数:babies 过去英文式:babied 第三人称单数:babied 当下词性标注:babying 人称双数:babies 否定句:babier 最高级别:babiest 满月宝宝;小婴儿 A baby is a very young child, especially one that cannot yet walk or talk. She used to take care of me when I was a baby... 我还在睡袋中时,她以往关心过我。My wife has just had a baby... 我老公刚出生了小朋友。Claire had to dress her baby sister. 维罗尼卡得给八岁时的亲妹妹穿搭。2. 可数名词(爬行动物)雏鸟;幼狐;鹩哥 A baby animal is a very young animal. .a baby elephant. 幼象...baby birds. 靛颏(瓜果蔬菜)嫩嫩的 Baby vegetables are vegetables picked when they are very small. Serve with baby new potatoes. 合在一起小个的新马铃薯。4. 称做代词;可数名词宝贝小说(微博名,尤应用在低龄妇女) Some people use baby as an affectionate way of addressing someone, especially a young woman, or referring to them. You have to wake up now, baby... 该起身了,宝贝小说。He was confused, poor baby. 他都懵了,可怜图片的臭小子。5. 固定搭配把满月宝宝和淋浴分着放满;将精华水连同愚民分着扔掉;不分真伪地全部放弃 If you throw the baby out with the bath water, you lose the good parts of something as well as the bad parts, because you reject it as a whole instead of just removing what is bad. 6. PHRASE 固定搭配替他人大便;替别人干有趣儿 If you are left holding the baby, you are put in a situation where you are responsible for something, often in an unfair way because other people fail or refuse to take responsibility for it. You go off round the world, and leave me to hold the baby. 你满的世界地跑,把有趣儿都吃掉我。baby, child, infant, youngster这些代词均有“小朋友”之意。baby: 日名词,一般指从刚出生的婴儿的满月宝宝到满两岁半的或非常小的小朋友,含着泪喜欢寓意。child: 专用术语,涵意广,无关系彩色。词指从31周胎儿、满月宝宝到10岁上下的患儿。infant: 函询谈话术语,商品资本明确提出超过预产期到两岁半的孩子,生态板材在广义指7岁以內的小朋友;民事法律上则指未到16周岁。 youngster: 词指任何时长的患儿或者少儿,多指畸形男孩儿,大致为老者的安全使用。1.The baby had been abandoned by its mother. 这个满月宝宝被亲人被遗弃了。 2. She put the baby up for adoption. 她提出者要让人孤儿院领养那个满月宝宝。 3. anchorage points for a baby's car seat 客车上满月宝宝排座位的扣牢点 4. She wasn't yet attuned to her baby's needs. 她还没有熟络她幼儿园儿童的需求。 5. My sister's expecting a baby . 我妹子孕妇了。 6. The baby was banging the table with his spoon. 小孩儿用勺子图片锤子敲着方桌。 7. The baby weighed three kilos at birth . 满月宝宝份生时斤算为三斤。 8. There he sat, blubbering like a baby. 他坐个那里像个满月宝宝似的嚎啕大哭。 9. a bouncing baby boy 绿油油的什么的男童 10. She put the baby to her breast. 她开始给满月宝宝小孩吃奶。 11. The baby was born by Caesarean section. 那满月宝宝是施实剖宫产动手术份生的。 12. They decided to call the baby Mark. 他们按照给满月宝宝取名乔治。 13. She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 她摇摆摇篮网哄满月宝宝睡得。 14. Our baby is just starting to crawl. 我们的幼儿园儿童刚开始会爬。 15. a cute little baby 逗人喜爱的小孩儿 16. a baby's development in the womb 31周胎儿在宫颈口内的阴茎发育 17. She held the baby gently. 她悄悄的抱着小朋友。 18. a baby born at 38 weeks' gestation 孕妇38周时份生的满月宝宝 19. a baby girl 男婴儿 20. A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby. 浇水应为可使在撑劲的满月宝宝立马得出掌握。